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Your Page TitleJibakishie Account | GTBank Tanzania

About this Account

A spend-to-save account tailored to allow customers stack-up money for the future simply by consuming. Giving them the option of saving money without feeling the pinch of it.

Save 1% to 5% of every amount you spend while earning additional competitive interest from the accumulated funds monthly. Earn 3% or more in interest with each amount saved

How to Subscribe

Existing customers can subscribe to Jibakishie by dialing *150*97# and following the prompts or through internet banking in four quick and easy steps


  1. Log into your personal internet banking via our website https://ibank.gtbank.co.tz/iba... and proceed
  2. On the left menu bar, go to “Account Transfers” and pick “Jibakishie”
  3. Choose “Set up/Modify Jibakishie Account”
  4. Pick the account you’ll spend from and set the percentage to save (minimum is 1%, maximum is 5%). Savings will be extracted from its balance each time you spend and put into a Jibakishie savings account.

And that would have you subscribed. Should the need arise, customers can modify the saving percentage, withdraw from the account, or just cancel their Jibakishie subscription.